Tähetorni Hotel’s á la carte restaurant consists of four rooms on two floors, which are connected to each other. Breakfast is served in one of them on the lower floor. This room has a straight entrance to the suite and also to the conference hall.
On the upper floor is a small oval hall, where one of the walls is formed by wide windows. The interior is classy and full of light. It is perfect for smaller gatherings up to 17 people. Beside the oval hall is another room with 15 seats, which leads to a large wind sheltered terrace, which is the favourite place in summertime. On the same floor a separate entrance leads to a smaller terrace in front of the house.
The cuisine of the restaurant is mostly European and various enough to find something delicious for everybody. Extra orders by guests are also fulfilled. Restaurant offers different options for celebrations and various occasions.
The romantic and cosy bar of Tähetorni Hotel is open 24 hours a day. The atmosphere is created by a fireplace and dim light with soft background music. Small tables are placed to ensure clients privacy. Telescopes on the wall and star decorations are typical of Tähetorni. Bar offers the same menu as the restaurant and a various choice of drinks with the possibility to watch TV at the same time.
Open: 24h